Care Program
Our Grade 6 students explored new horizons and made meaningful connections during their visits to IRAP, ACSAUVEL, and Fr. Roberts. They engaged with incredible individuals while spreading kindness, love, compassion, and support.
We Will Always Have Hope
New school year… New challenges…
Looking around, everything seems dark…
Let us be
the light in the darkness,
the hope in the desert,
and the joy in the sadness
Hand in hand,
And relying on God’s strength,
Staff, teachers, parents and students of the EII Division,
we shall overcome all the difficulties in our way…
Elementary II Division Principal
We Will Always Have Hope
New school year… New challenges…
Looking around, everything seems dark…
Let us be
the light in the darkness,
the hope in the desert,
and the joy in the sadness
Hand in hand,
And relying on God’s strength,
Staff, teachers, parents and students of the EII Division,
we shall overcome all the difficulties in our way…
Elementary II Division Principal
Emotions Through PoetryThe Grade 4 students unlocked their emotions and cultivated empathy through poetry, sharing personal feelings and experiences in a vibrant classroom activity designed to foster socio-emotional growth.
Our Grade 6 students explored new horizons and made meaningful connections during their visits to IRAP, ACSAUVEL, and Fr. Roberts. They engaged with incredible individuals while spreading kindness, love, compassion, and support.
Pour célébrer le mois de la francophonie, et en collaboration avec l’Institut Français, les élèves de 6e ont plongé dans l’univers fascinant de Ralph Doumit. Entre traits de crayon et mots inspirés, l’auteur-illustrateur de talent a partagé avec les élèves les secrets de son parcours,
The objective of this project is to help students enhance their real-world math skills. By using their favorite food menus, students enjoyed working with decimal prices and solving practical word problems. As a result, students will gain a deeper understanding of decimal operations through calculating orders
Congratulations to the champions of the basketball competition:6A: 1st placeBoys: Elias Aoun, Justin Jesus El Hachem, Karl SroujiGirls: Rouby Zgheib, Clara Abou Nasr, Raya Azar6C: 2nd placeBoys: Tony Hajj, Ryan Egho, David NasrGirls: Marilyn Karam, Serena Sfeir, Cally Mouawad4B: 1st placeBoys: David Bozian, Ryan SalibaGirls:
Grade 4 students engaged in a hands-on activity by filling Ziploc bags with water and illustrating the water cycle on them. This interactive exercise helped them observe and understand the process firsthand.
In collaboration with Librairie La Phénicie, the Intermediate Assembly Hall was transformed into a vibrant celebration of literacy! The English and French Book Fair brought JM students together for a fun-filled journey into the world of reading, featuring engaging activities prepared by La Phénicie’s owner,
Congratulations to Maria Issa (4C), Sarah Demiane (3A), and Serena Issa (2B) for their winnings at the Qatar International Friendship Artistic Gymnastics Championship held at Aspire Academy- Doha on Friday, February 21, 2025.
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre établissement a obtenu le label CELF-A!Cette distinction marque notre engagement envers l’excellence dans l’enseignement du français.La cérémonie, qui s’est tenue au bâtiment de la direction puis au théâtre de l’école, a réuni les responsables et directeurs de l’Institut Français
في عيد المعلم، كرّمت مدرسة يسوع ومريم برئاسة الخوري موسى الحلو أساتذتها بحفل عشاء سادت فيه أجواء الفرح والترفيه. وقد أبدى الخوري الحلو تقديره واحترامه للجهود التي تبذلها الهيئة التعليمية متمنيًا دوام التقدّم والنجاح لأفراد المدرسة جميعًا
Assistant Principal
Administrative Assistant
I.L. Instructor
Spiritual Counselor
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Arabic Teacher
Arabic Teacher
English Teacher
English Teacher
French Teacher
French Teacher
Math Teacher
Math Teacher
Sciences Coordinator & Teacher
Sciences Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
IT Teacher
Robotics Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Dance Teacher
Music Teacher
Arts & Crafts Teacher
Theater Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Arabic Teacher
Arabic Teacher
English Teacher
English Teacher
English Teacher
French Teacher
French Teacher
French Teacher
Math Teacher
Math Teacher
Sciences Coordinator & Teacher
Sciences Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
IT Teacher
Robotics Teacher
Robotics Teacher
Arts & Crafts Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Dance Teacher
Music Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Christian Education Teacher
Arabic Coordinator & Teacher
Arabic Teacher
Arabic Teacher
French Teacher
French Teacher
French Teacher
English Teacher
English Teacher
Math Teacher
Math Teacher
Sciences Coordinator & Teacher
Sciences Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
IT Teacher
Robotics Teacher
Arts & Crafts Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Dance Teacher
Music Teacher
Theater Teacher