معرض كتاب مدرسة يسوع ومريم

نرجو ربط الأحزمة ، فقد انطلقت رحلة المغامرات والتّشويق. سنزور أماكن غريبة، ونلتقي بوجوه غريبة ، ونتعرّف أشياء غريبة من دون أن نغادر مقاعدنا . كيف ؟ سنحلّق داخل الكتب


The Grade 6 students demonstrated osmosis in plant cells by adding salt to a raw potato and observing plasmolysis in action.

Launching Youth Club

For the second year in a row, the Intermediate Division launched its JM Youth Club during the morning assembly, under the patronage of the JM Sisters represented by Sr. Iram

Student Council Elections

Congratulations to Sophia Mahrouk and Tarek Noah Haddad, who won the Head Girl and Head Boy elections of the Intermediate Division this year! The Student Council elections were held after

Breast Cancer Awareness

On October 31, 2024, the Secondary Division went pink with a purpose! The REACT Club proudly hosted an event to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Students, staff, and teachers showed

Student Council Elections

Under the supervision of the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE), the Secondary students proudly cast their votes for this year’s Student Council in a true spirit of democracy! Kevin