القديس ماكسيميليان كولبي

“ليس لأَحَدٍ حُبٌّ أَعْظَمُ مِنْ هذَا، وهُوَ أَنْ يَبْذُلَ الإِنْسَانُ نَفْسَهُ في سَبِيلِ أَحِبَّائِهِ”  (يوحنّا 15: 13)   هكذا أظهر القدّيس “ماكسيمليان كولبي” الشجاعة في الحبّ حتّى بذل الذّات، على

13 medals for JM

13 medals in all! 13 in one single tournament! JM Badminton team brought back home 13 medals, two of which are gold! The Alton Reynolds tournament organized by IC Beirut

Two Basketball Matches

Two friendly basketball games: JM Students against JM Alumni JM students against Rosaire Mansourieh under 18 Both games ended with our students scoring higher. Bravo JM!

Beirut Visit

Beyrouth, qui es-tu ? Le jeudi 17 mars 2023, nos élèves de terminale ont eu la chance de redécouvrir Beyrouth. Ils ont sillonné les quartiers Sursock et Gemmayzeh ; et puis ils

Mental Health Awareness

To raise awareness and promote positive vibes on campus, members of the REACT and ART Clubs hosted an event to stress the importance of well-being and good health. The event

Beit Beirut’ Museum Visit

The 3S students were dazzled by the heart-breaking stories behind the broken walls! The echoes of the dead intertwined with sounds of the living, leaving behind unforgettable tales and memories!