Gr 3 English Activity

To help their third-grade students grasp the concept of “Steps in a Process” writing, the English teachers devised a hands-on activity. The students were tasked with creating their own sandwiches, listing

St. Claudine’s Campaign

On St. Claudine’s Feast, our school community came together in a heartwarming display of generosity. Jesus & Mary organized a campaign to collect essential items for less fortunate families in our

St. Claudine’s Parents’ Divine Liturgy

“مَا أَحسَنَ ومَا أَبهَجَ أَنْ يَجتَمِعَ الإِخوَةُ مَعًا” (مزمور ١٣٣: ١)إحتفالًا بعيد شفيعتنا القدّيسة كلودين، اجتَمَعَت عائلة مدرستنا تحت كنف راعي أبرشيّتنا المطران أنطوان بو نجم حول مائدة القدّاس لنشكر

Bishop Bou Najem at JM

“ما أطيبَ الربّ!” (القدّيسة كلودين)في عيد شفيعتنا، تلاقت عائلة مدرسة يسوع ومريم، إداريّين وراهبات، معلّمين وموظّفين وتلاميذ، بحضور راعي الأبرشيّة سيادة المطران أنطوان بو نجم، حول مذبح الشكران والغفران لحمد

Grade 3 Math Projects

Grade 3 students celebrated the holiday season with a creative math activity. They matched factors on a Christmas tree with their corresponding products on ornaments. Once completed, they glued the

Grade 2 Math Projects

Grade 2 students showcased their math skills through an innovative holiday activity. They demonstrated their understanding of numbers by transforming them into vibrant displays of knowledge and creativity. The result

Grade 1 Math Projects

Grade 1 students participated in an engaging holiday-themed math activity that joined learning, fun, and imagination. They practiced their subtraction skills by finding differences, with each correct answer leading them