Angelina Atallah Gymnastics Champ!
Angelina Atallah, Grade 3 D, Gymnastics Champ! First in her group! 4 medals: 3 gold and 1 bronze. Angelina represented Adrenaline academy- Dbayeh in the Lebanese Gymnastics Championship for Academies
Grade 2 ICT Lesson
In their ICT lesson, the grade 2 students learned with Ms. Elise Yammine how to program robot using an algorithm to perform an action.
الاستقلال في الأبتدائي الأول
” بتتلج الدّني وبتشمّس الدّني” تنقضي الأيّام وتنطوي السّنون ووطني باقٍ، صامد يتحدّى الأيّام” مع كلّ تشرين نحتفل بالاستقلال. نقف بخشوع وفخر أمام علم تلوّن بطهارة الثّلج ودماء من آمنوا
Grade 3 English Activity
As a part of their new grammar lesson, the Grade 3 students learnt how to connect simple sentences using the connectors and/ or/ but.
Grade 2 English Activity
The second graders enjoyed a writing activity that their teacher, Ms. Jehade Accari prepared. The children worked in groups and learned how to stretch a sentence using How? When? Where?
St. Thérèse’s Feast
Our yearly ritual at the Elementary I Division is to honor St. Thérèse of Lisieux on her feast day. Mr. Tony Hashem prepared a special assembly in the presence of
End-of Year Activities
As an application to the last writing skill, they learned in their English classes, Grade 2B wrote fantasy short stories and illustrated them all on their own. A marvelous way
Chocolate tasting
After reading the story “Chocolate Planet”, the Grade 2A and 2D students ended the school year by having a chocolate tasting activity with their teacher. They had to close their
Grade 3 Field Trip
On the last day of school, the Grade 3 students went on a trip to “Expo Hakel” – Jbeil. The students visited the museum that includes a large collection of
Scavenger Hunt
Grades 1 and 2 decided to end the school year with a “Scavenger Hunt”, a game of discovery and a journey of exploration and anticipation. They had the chance to