English Spelling Bee Champions
Students in 8A and 8B classes tackled a challenging task during English class! Working in collaborative groups, students used mind mapping to analyze the article “Ada Lovelace: A Science Legend.” This approach allowed
Grade 8 Mind Mapping Activity
Students in 8A and 8B classes tackled a challenging task during English class! Working in collaborative groups, students used mind mapping to analyze the article “Ada Lovelace: A Science Legend.” This approach allowed
St. Claudine’s Quiz
To conclude the month of Saint Claudine, the Intermediate JM Youth Club delighted students and teachers with an exciting and informative quiz about the school patron saint. The quiz was
Grade 7 & 9 Relay Competition
The “Sports Fever” activity was a huge success! During February, Grade 7 and 9 students put their strength to the test in a thrilling relay competition. The morning assembly was filled
English & French Book fair
In collaboration with Librairie La Phénicie, the Intermediate Assembly Hall was transformed into a vibrant celebration of literacy! The English and French Book Fair brought JM students together for a
JM Obtient La CELF-A!
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre établissement a obtenu le label CELF-A! Cette distinction marque notre engagement envers l’excellence dans l’enseignement du français. La cérémonie, qui s’est tenue au bâtiment
عشاء عيد المعلم
في عيد المعلم، كرّمت مدرسة يسوع ومريم برئاسة الخوري موسى الحلو أساتذتها بحفل عشاء سادت فيه أجواء الفرح والترفيه. وقد أبدى الخوري الحلو تقديره واحترامه للجهود التي تبذلها الهيئة التعليمية
Ash Monday
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Grade8 Mind Mapping
Students in 8A and 8B classes tackled a challenging task during English class! Working in collaborative groups, students used mind mapping to analyze the article “Ada Lovelace: A Science Legend.” This approach allowed
Grade 7 & 9 Relay Competition
The “Sports Fever” activity was a huge success! During February, Grade 7 and 9 students put their strength to the test in a thrilling relay competition. The morning assembly was filled