French Assembly

 « La santé, c’est comme la richesse, il ne suffit pas de l’avoir, il faut savoir la conserver. »  Qu’il s’agisse de la santé physique ou mentale, celle-ci est un

Amine Maalouf Assembly

Amin Maalouf rejoint le conseil de l’ordre national du Mérite ! Le 2 octobre, les élèves du Collège (Intermediate Division) ont découvert le profil de l’auteur franco-libanais, Amin Maalouf, qui, le

Welcome back Grade 9!

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Kindness campaign

To conclude the Kindness Campaign launched by the Intermediate Division this year, a final activity took place during the last week of classes before the exams. This activity involved teachers,

Honourable Mention Award

Our Grade 8 student, Gisèle Abou Kasm, won the Honourable Mention Award at the Brummana High School Model United Nations (BHSMUN). Gisèle was the only participating student from JM, and

Chemical Reaction

What is a chemical reaction? Well, the Grade 8 students can surely answer this question after having performed experiments on different types of chemical reactions. Detecting evidence of a chemical