Artistic Echoes Int. Exhibition
The Intermediate assembly hall shone with our students’ multidisciplinary exhibition, Artistic Echoes, which was the product of teamwork and creativity.
“The Evolution of Dance”… Loading…
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May Procession
This week’s month of May procession is very special, as it is the last time our Grade 9 students participate in the Intermediate Division’s tradition before they go on their
DELF Diplomas Distribution
The Intermediate Division, in collaboration with the French Department, held an assembly to distribute the DELF Diplomas to the Grade 9 students who sat for the B1 exam last year.
Heart Dissection
What better way for the Grade 9 students to understand how the heart functions than to perform an actual dissection in the lab with their Biology teacher, Mr. Jihad Hayek?
نشر ثقافة العدالة
لمُناسبة عيد الشّهداء، وتجاوبًا مع الدّعوة للتّضامن الوطني مع كلّ المُتضرّرين في جريمة تفجير مرفأ بيروت في 4 آب 2020، ولأنّنا في مدرسة يسوع ومريم ممّن أصيبوا مباشرةً باستشهاد أحد
Gr.8 Trip to Mtein
As part of their learning experience, Grade 8 students went on an educational field trip to Mtein, Mount Lebanon, where they got the chance to visit Château Oumsiyat winery, as
Les amérindiens revisités!
Toute connaissance n’est acquise que quand elle est partagée. Dans le cadre des projets d’échange entre le Primaire et le Collège, les 6èmes ont introduit l’univers des amérindiens aux 5èmes.
Intermediate Wins
Successes on all levels are celebrated at our school! The Intermediate Division distributed medals to the winners of the Badminton and Basketball competitions, which took place in the Auditorium earlier
بصمة روحيّة من يسوع ومريم
يأتينا العيد والمناسبات والمواسم، بأفراحٍ روحيّةٍ جمّة، نعمل جاهدين لأن نتمسّك بها، علّها تترك بصمتها على تلاميذنا كما على جميع أفراد عائلة يسوع ومريم مع اختتام زمن الصّوم وتلويح ضوء