Learning Strategies, Assessment, and Positive Discipline
In July and September 2023, many JM teachers from all Divisions participated in a series of workshops led by Dr. Claudine Rizkallah Aziz on Active Learning (student engagement and learning
KG II Back to School
Each year, students and teachers get excited to meet one other and build new relationships. This year is no different. KG2 students met their teachers, friends and were introduced to
KG III Back to School
KG3 students look more than happy and eager to start their new school year! A lot of fun, exciting and enticing adventures await them… learning is going to be enjoyable!
First Day of School
Happy, sad, or excited! All feelings are valid on the first day of school. Step into the EII Division, where our heartbeats echo the love of learning.
Welcome 1S students
Get ready for new beginnings and challenge-filled adventure! Have a blessed year.
دراسة لوحات
طاب لتلاميذ البكالوريا الدوليّة السنة الثانية أن يستقبلوا في مدرسة يسوع ومريم فنّانًا تشكيليًّا ومنسّقًا ومدرّبًا رئيسًا لبرامج التّنمية الاجتماعيّة المستدامة، السّيّد جريس السّبعلي الّذي أراد أن يُبْرز لتلاميذنا أبعاد
JM Bible Study
Ekovoices workshop, led by Christina Keyrouz and Marie Reine Ayoub, provided Preschool teachers with interactive guidelines and useful tips for properly using their voice and keeping their vocal cords healthy.
Ekovoices Workshop
Ekovoices workshop, led by Christina Keyrouz and Marie Reine Ayoub, provided Preschool teachers with interactive guidelines and useful tips for properly using their voice and keeping their vocal cords healthy.
Welcome home 3S!
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Welcome back Grade 9!
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