Gr 5 Basketball Competition
Go Champs! You make us so proud! 5E Girls: 1st place Alexia Cheikh, Lea Bou Khalil, Audrey Choueiry Yasmina Salameh 5A Boys: 1st place Joe Aoun, Kamil Riachy, Elia Nasr, Christian Hourany 5B Girls: 2nd place
Gr 4 Science Activity
Grade 4 students had a blast exploring the fascinating world of rocks! They delved into different types, shared their own personal collections, and learned about the unique characteristics that make each
3D Design and Printing
During the first week of February, Grade 6 students delved into the world of 3D design using the Tinkercad program. They explored the exciting possibilities of creating models that could be brought to life
St. Claudine’s Campaign
On St. Claudine’s Feast, our school community came together in a heartwarming display of generosity. Jesus & Mary organized a campaign to collect essential items for less fortunate families in our
St. Claudine’s Parents’ Divine Liturgy
“مَا أَحسَنَ ومَا أَبهَجَ أَنْ يَجتَمِعَ الإِخوَةُ مَعًا” (مزمور ١٣٣: ١)إحتفالًا بعيد شفيعتنا القدّيسة كلودين، اجتَمَعَت عائلة مدرستنا تحت كنف راعي أبرشيّتنا المطران أنطوان بو نجم حول مائدة القدّاس لنشكر
Bishop Bou Najem at JM
“ما أطيبَ الربّ!” (القدّيسة كلودين)في عيد شفيعتنا، تلاقت عائلة مدرسة يسوع ومريم، إداريّين وراهبات، معلّمين وموظّفين وتلاميذ، بحضور راعي الأبرشيّة سيادة المطران أنطوان بو نجم، حول مذبح الشكران والغفران لحمد
إنتخاب ممثل الصف
حضّر قسم العلوم الاجتماعية نشاطًا مميّزًا لتلاميذ الصّف الخامس لتعلّم كيفية إجراء الانتخابات، حيث رشّحوا زملاءَهم وقدّموا برنامج حملاتهم الانتخابية. كان الجميع متحمّسين وشاركوا في التصويت، ممّا ساعدهم على فهم
Grade 6 Spiritual Retreat
The Grade 6 students attended a spiritual retreat at the “Message de Paix” center in Bikfaya. The retreat focused on nurturing moral and human values and fostering relationships with people
Think Before You Act!
“It isn’t the challenge that defines you; it’s what you do with it!” ~Sharon Pearson. During the morning assembly, the EII students left the teachers flabbergasted since they were willing
Gr 5 Science Sound Activity
The Grade 5 students learned about sound, frequency, and pitch. They brought their instruments to explore pitch in a practical way.