Care Program

Our Grade 6 students explored new horizons and made meaningful connections during their visits to IRAP, ACSAUVEL, and Fr. Roberts. They engaged with incredible individuals while spreading kindness, love, compassion,

Mois de la Francophonie

Pour célébrer le mois de la francophonie, et en collaboration avec l’Institut Français, les élèves de 6e ont plongé dans l’univers fascinant de Ralph Doumit. Entre traits de crayon et

Basketball Competition

Congratulations to the champions of the basketball competition: 6A: 1st place Boys: Elias Aoun, Justin Jesus El Hachem, Karl Srouji Girls: Rouby Zgheib, Clara Abou Nasr, Raya Azar 6C: 2nd

Grade 4 Water Cycle

Grade 4 students engaged in a hands-on activity by filling Ziploc bags with water and illustrating the water cycle on them. This interactive exercise helped them observe and understand the

English & French Book fair

In collaboration with Librairie La Phénicie, the Intermediate Assembly Hall was transformed into a vibrant celebration of literacy! The English and French Book Fair brought JM students together for a

JM Obtient La CELF-A!

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre établissement a obtenu le label CELF-A! Cette distinction marque notre engagement envers l’excellence dans l’enseignement du français. La cérémonie, qui s’est tenue au bâtiment

عشاء عيد المعلم

في عيد المعلم، كرّمت مدرسة يسوع ومريم برئاسة الخوري موسى الحلو أساتذتها بحفل عشاء سادت فيه أجواء الفرح والترفيه. وقد أبدى الخوري الحلو تقديره واحترامه للجهود التي تبذلها الهيئة التعليمية

Parts of an Eye Activity

To understand how our eyes work, Grade 5 students embarked on a hands-on project, constructing 3D models of the human eye. They meticulously assembled each component, learning about the cornea, lens, retina, and