إنتخاب ممثّل القسم الابتدائيّ الثّاني

في أجواء ديمقراطية، أجرى قسم العلوم الاجتماعية إنتخاب مجلس طلّاب القسم الابتدائيّ الثّاني. وقد أُتيح لتلاميذ الصّف الأساسيّ السادس التّعبير عن رأيهم وأفكارهم بحريّة كما اختبروا أهميّة إتّخاذ القرارات. فاز

Clown Me In

The “Clown Me In” group performed a hilarious act filled with wit, surprises, and nonstop laughter! The group had the EII students and teachers up on their feet with broad

Gr. 6 Math Activities

Math Project: City Design The objective of this project is to design a street map for a fictional city, demonstrate the students’ understanding of parallel, perpendicular, and transversal lines, and

Gr. 5 Math Activities

The objective of this project is to explore the evolution of number systems and examine how different civilizations approached mathematical problems. Students will compare and contrast various ancient number systems.

Gr. 4 Math Activities

The objective of this project is to explore the origins of computation and the significance of tally marks from prehistoric times to the present day. They will investigate prehistoric numerals