Gr.6 Science Activities

Since machines are devices that facilitate our daily life, the Grade 6 students got a variety of simple machines to understand the different components of each type. The devices were

Water Water Everywhere!

Water, Water Everywhere…The Grade 4 students learned about the importance of water and the phases of the water cycle through a hands-on activity! After this lesson, we are hopeful that

Grade 6 Science Activity

Theory into ActionFormula after formula! The Grade 6 students mastered their lesson perfectly well! Speed, distance, and time… It was race time and fast calculation! Way to go, champs!

Grade 4 visit to Mim

The Mim Museum welcomed our Grade 4 students who observed different types of rocks and learned about the second largest collection of minerals they learned about in their science classes.

أسبوع الاّلام

نسجد لآلامِك أيّها المسيح ونباركك!  لأنّك بصليبك المقدس خلّصت العالم! شكرًا لدائرة التربية المسيحيّة في القسم الأساسي الثاني التي سمحت للتلاميذ والأساتذة عيش أسبوع الآلام بجوٍّ تأمّلي وخشوعيّ.