JM Futsal

A Promising Start for JM Futsal! Our U16 boys stepped onto the field for their very first game after just three hours of training—and what a performance they delivered! While

JM Obtient La CELF-A!

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre établissement a obtenu le label CELF-A! Cette distinction marque notre engagement envers l’excellence dans l’enseignement du français. La cérémonie, qui s’est tenue au bâtiment

عشاء عيد المعلم

في عيد المعلم، كرّمت مدرسة يسوع ومريم برئاسة الخوري موسى الحلو أساتذتها بحفل عشاء سادت فيه أجواء الفرح والترفيه. وقد أبدى الخوري الحلو تقديره واحترامه للجهود التي تبذلها الهيئة التعليمية

Math in Action

Double angles, half angles, sum-to-product… these aren’t just random formulas, they are like magic keys that unlock a whole new world of possibilities in math! By mastering them, the Secondary students are

Ash Monday

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Education Basket

On February 26, 2025, the Secondary division welcomed Education Basket, an educational consulting agency dedicated to empowering students in their academic and career journeys. Education Basket shared their mission and

La Force des Arts

Afin de concrétiser l’unité pédagogique travaillée en classe, les élèves de seconde ont eu l’opportunité de visiter le musée Macam. Ils ont participé à diverses activités : l’interprétation de fresques,

AUB’s Nursing School

The secondary students delved into the world of healthcare during an enlightening session with representatives from the American University of Beirut’s Nursing School. Each insight they gained deepened their appreciation

College & Career Fair 2024-2025

This year’s most anticipated event brought together 33 universities and 25 professions, offering Secondary students an unparalleled opportunity to explore their future paths. From Law and Medicine to Computer Science,