React Club and Human Rights
The Secondary students attended an assembly prepared by React Club, who shed light on justice, equality, and dignity for all. The session featured discussions on significant organizations advocating human rights
Happy Saint Barbara’s
Assembly with Inventus
On Monday, November 25, the Secondary students enjoyed an inspiring assembly with Mr. Christopher Eid from Inventus. This innovative initiative is dedicated to helping students navigate the crucial journey of
Flag Day 2024
Our flag still flies high even during the darkest hours. This year, more than ever before, students from all Divisions were eager to show their unwavering love for Lebanon and
Student-Led Clubs
The Secondary students have launched their own exciting clubs. From the Art Club to Eco Club, Emergency Unit Club, Photography Club, Computer Science Club, Highlight and Headline Club, React Club,
SD JM Youth Club
A date to remember with grateful hearts! 200 years ago, November 13 marked the first mission of the religious of Jesus & Mary to India. Young French religious women risked
Student Council investiture
The Secondary Division Hall hosted the Investiture Ceremony of the 2024-2025 Student Council. Rector Fr. Moussa Helou, Principal Nathalie El Hani, along with teachers, staff, and students, proudly welcomed the
JM Youth Club Launching
On November 5, 2024, the Secondary students gathered for a heartwarming start of the JM Youth Club led by the JM sisters. Sister Iram delivered an inspiring speech, reminding us
Breast Cancer Awareness
On October 31, 2024, the Secondary Division went pink with a purpose! The REACT Club proudly hosted an event to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Students, staff, and teachers showed
Student Council Elections
Under the supervision of the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE), the Secondary students proudly cast their votes for this year’s Student Council in a true spirit of democracy! Kevin