3S last Day

The 3S students wrapped up the last day of school! It was their last day of classes, their last time hearing the bell and having a recess! It was a

وقفة تضامنية مع ضحايا مرفأ بيروت

في ذكرى الشهداء، وتجاوبًا مع دعوة الأمانة العامة للمدارس الكاثوليكية، نفّذ تلاميذ القسم الثانوي وقفة تضامنية مع الضحايا والشهداء والجرحى والمتضررين من تفجير مرفأ بيروت، لأننا جميعًا مسؤولون، ولأنّ قضية

the Spread of Rumors

On April 24, 2024, the Secondary students engaged in an exciting activity about the spread of rumors. They discovered the power of active listening and the importance of sharing news

Conquering Beirut

An unforgettable day for the Third Secondary students exploring the vibrant landmarks of Beirut with City Sightseeing Lebanon! From the National Museum to MIM Museum, to Sursock Museum, and the

An Extraordinary Assembly

The Secondary students had an extraordinary assembly on Thursday, by Mrs. Nathalie El-Hani, where they experienced a Subarctic survival simulation! Students learned valuable lessons in teamwork, decision-making, strategy, and cooperation.


Congratulations to the Secondary students for their impressive performance at the NDU MUN 4th annual conference! Special recognition to Jason Azzi and Elie Sejaan for Diplomacy awards, and Joe Abou

Community Service

The 3S students took part in a community service task at “Message de Paix” – Bikfaya and “Martha and Mariam” – Kleyaat. The visit had a positive impact on the

Easter Crossword

Hopping into the Easter spirit with the Secondary students and having a blast with an Easter-themed crossword prepared by the Division Principal. 

Poetry Day

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, members of the Poetry Club rocked Poetry Day with their amazing creativity! They presented heartfelt verses and enjoyed other artistic activities… Andrea Hanna (3GS) stood

Antelias Maronite Youth Pastora

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, representatives from Antelias Maronite Youth Pastoral (AMYP) met with the Secondary students to present their mission and encourage youth involvement within the Antelias Diocese. Students