Secondary Mothers’ Day

Secondary students celebrated Mother’s Day in a special way! They sold beautiful flowerpots and roses to send love and joy to all mothers. It was a heartwarming activity that allowed

Ergonomics Session

Explanatory presentations, important tips, and practical exercises to maintain a healthy posture, boost work productivity, and prevent injuries were offered to the administrative staff, during an interactive session on Monday,

A Session with Oum El Nour

Oum El Nour association organized a session for the Secondary students who got introduced to the association’s mission and impact. Students learned about the dangers of drugs and alcohol consumption,

Eco Club plantation in PS

The Secondary Eco Club students planted several trees in the Preschool garden, adding more greenery and beauty to the school setting. We appreciate their commitment to creating a greener and

زيارة إلى دار العدل

من ضمن النشاطات اللاصفيّة في مادة التربية الوطنية، قام تلاميذ الصف الثانويّ الثاني بجميع فروعه، بزيارة إلى دار العدل في جديدة المتن. تضمّنت الزيارة التعرُّف إلى القلم وكيفية تسجيل الدعاوى

Teachers’ Day Dinner

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Teachers’ Day Celebrations

On Teacher’s Day, the Intermediate and Secondary students celebrated the dedication and hard work of their teachers with games, dance, songs, and spread laughter and smiles all around. Many thanks

International Women’s Day

من ضمن منهج مادة التربية الوطنية ولمناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي، وبهدف تعزيز الوعي لأهميّة دور المرأة في المجتمع اللبناني، قام تلاميذ الصف الثانويّ الثاني IBDP1  بتحضير جدول زمنيّ من 1906

Mini Career Fair

On Friday, March 1, 2024, the Secondary Division hosted a mini career fair organized by Educom Overseas, an esteemed educational consultant in Lebanon. This event brought together distinguished representatives from

Red Cross Assembly

The Secondary students had an eye-opening assembly session with the Red Cross (RC). They learned about the RC mission, goals, and requirements for joining the movement and becoming active volunteers.