JM Youth Club

JM Day had an exceptional flavour this year in the Intermediate Division, as it started off with the visit of the relics of St. Claudine, followed by the launching ceremony

JM Day 23-24

شعلةٌ أُضيئت منذ ١٨١ سنة؛ وبالرغم من العواصف والأعاصير لم ولن تنطفىء! هذه رسالة القدّيسة كلودين، رسالة راهبات يسوع ومريم حول العالم! وكما انتقلت هذه الشعلة من بلدٍ إلى آخر

Gr. 4 Edible Cells

In the Grade 6 lab session, students enthusiastically conducted experiments, exploring concepts of the plant cell. They learned hands-on skills and developed a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

Grade 6 Lab Session

In the Grade 6 lab session, students enthusiastically conducted experiments, exploring concepts of the plant cell. They learned hands-on skills and developed a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

Education Basket

On November 3, 2023, the Secondary students had the opportunity to gain experience in writing a résumé (CV) during a session organized by Education Basket, a consulting agency that offers

Grade 2 English Activity

The second graders enjoyed a writing activity that their teacher, Ms. Jehade Accari prepared. The children worked in groups and learned how to stretch a sentence using How? When? Where?

French Assembly

 « La santé, c’est comme la richesse, il ne suffit pas de l’avoir, il faut savoir la conserver. »  Qu’il s’agisse de la santé physique ou mentale, celle-ci est un