من وَحي مُغامَراتِنا الأولمبيّة

ضِمن مَشاريعِنا الثّقافيّة، اسْتقبلَ القسم الابتدائيّ الثّاني ضَيْفًا مميَّزًا جدًّا، وأجرى فريقٌ من صَحافِيّي الصّفِ السادس مُقابلَةً معه. هذا الضّيفَ الرّياضيَّ هو بطلُ لبنان في رياضَةِ التّيكواندو، وتلميذنا الموهوب السّابق،

Mismatch Day

Looks like we all got dressed up in the dark…. and our competitive spirits followed suit! The E2 Delegates organized A Crazy Mismatch Day for the students where competitions in

Futsal & Basketball

Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Sport is in their blood! Way to go, Grade 6 Futsal and Grade 4 Basketball champs! Prizes were distributed on Monday, April 22

Spelling Bee

Practice makes perfect! 15 Grade 4 students participated in the 2024 Spelling Bee competition!   The results were as follows: 2nd runner-up: Celine Fransawi 1st runner-up: Mila Awad Winner: Kamil

Grade 6 Care Program

As part of their CARE Program, the Grade 6 students paid a visit to IRAP and ACSAUVAL on Tuesday, March 26. Students enjoyed working in the classes and playing in

Gr.6 Dome Science Activity

Grade 6 students explored the mysteries of space, including the solar system and black holes, within a vast planetarium during an activity organized by the Cosmic Dome Company. Grade 6

Ergonomics Session

Explanatory presentations, important tips, and practical exercises to maintain a healthy posture, boost work productivity, and prevent injuries were offered to the administrative staff, during an interactive session on Monday,

مشاريع أبرز الشّخصيّات اللّبنانيّة

حضّر تلاميذ الصّفّ السّادس، تبعًا لبرنامج التّربية الوطنيّة والتّنشئة المدنيّة، مشاريع عديدة، عرضوا فيها أبرز الشّخصيّات اللّبنانيّة التي تركت بصمة تاريخيّة في تأسيس منظّمة الأمم المتّحدة كما تتخلّل المشاريع تركيز