سبت لعازر

تربّينا في ضيعنا ورعايانا على الاحتفال بـ “سبت لعازر” منذ نعومة أظفارنا، ورافقنا هذا الاحتفال مع أولادنا، ولطالما أفرحنا هذا التّقليد لذلك، لم يشأ فريق INT DYNAMISE  أن يدع هذه

Distribution of Medals

Following a very inspiring assembly on sportsmanship, prepared by Coach Rabih Khater, which emphasized the importance of respect and fairness in sports games as opposed to winning or losing, medals

Annual Fabriano Competition

Congratulations to our students in the Annual Fabriano Competition. They displayed their creative talents and expressed themselves through art! Our IBDP1 students ranked among the top five in the Matn

Middle School GC LAU MUN

After three years of absence from the Middle School GC LAU MUN, the Intermediate Division returns with amazing results: eight out of eight awards, including three Secretary General Awards for

Intermediate Chaps

We couldn’t be prouder of our Intermediate students who won their first game in the Lebanese School Basketball Championship against Mont La Salle for the under 2008 category! Go champs!

Ash Monday

Today marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent. A time for us to reflect on our actions and grow spiritually in the love of God. Jesus & Mary