Animal Visit

“The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul”~Maria Montessori Preschoolers celebrated the arrival of Spring last week and were so excited to welcome

سبت لعازر

تربّينا في ضيعنا ورعايانا على الاحتفال بـ “سبت لعازر” منذ نعومة أظفارنا، ورافقنا هذا الاحتفال مع أولادنا، ولطالما أفرحنا هذا التّقليد لذلك، لم يشأ فريق INT DYNAMISE  أن يدع هذه

Palm Sunday

Holding their candles up in the air, our preschoolers joyfully celebrated Palm Sunday while praising the Lord and shouting Alleluia!

La Francophonie

Rencontre avec l’auteure Maria Abi Nader ! Afin de clôturer le mois de la Francophonie, nos secondes ont eu la chance de rencontrer l’auteure Maria Abi Nader qui leur a

IB DP1 student at ALAMAU

Bouchra Geagea, IB DP1 student! Now in South Africa at ALAMAU (African Leadership Academy Model African Union), Bouchra has won THREE prizes! One of which is the Ubuntu Award given